The Sia Foundation

Siaisanewdecentralizedcloudstorageplatformthatradicallyaltersthelandscapeofcloudstorage.Byleveragingsmartcontracts,client-side ...,Siaisadecentralizedcloudstorageplatformthatutilizesblockchaintechnologyforsecurity.Thenetworkutilizesunusedglobalha...。參考影片的文章的如下:


martindalesia: Blockchain-based marketplace for file storage

Sia is a new decentralized cloud storage platform that radically alters the landscape of cloud storage. By leveraging smart contracts, client-side ...

Sia - Decentralized Finance

Sia is a decentralized cloud storage platform that utilizes blockchain technology for security. The network utilizes unused global hard drive capacity.


It allows website owners to store their data on the Sia network and monetize their content by leveraging IOTA's micropayment capabilities.

Decentralized Cloud Storage with Sia

The Sia Network. Sia is a decentralized cloud storage network that combines a Proof-of-Work blockchain with a contract-based storage model.


Sia ( is a decentralized cloud storage platform based on the blockchain technology. With rclone you can use it like any other remote ...

Decentralized data storage

Sia encrypts and distributes your files across a decentralized network. Unlike traditional cloud storage providers, you truly own your data: no third party can ...


Sia encrypts and distributes your files across a decentralized network. Unlike traditional cloud storage providers, you truly own your data: no third party can ... About Renting on Sia · The Sia Foundation · Sia Docs · The Sia Blog

Sia, Decentralized Storage (Layer 1)

Sia is a decentralized cloud storage platform. Decentralized means it has no central server or authority that could control the network on its own.

Siacoin (SC): Decentralized Data Marketplace

Launched in 2015, Sia is a blockchain-based decentralized cloud storage marketplace that allows users to take advantage of unused hard drive storage space by ...


r/siacoin: Sia is a Decentralized Cloud Storage software solution engineered to provide privacy-focused, redundancy, and enterprise-level scalability… Sia progression · Why SIA didn’t do anything... · Will sia coin even hit 25 cents...


Siaisanewdecentralizedcloudstorageplatformthatradicallyaltersthelandscapeofcloudstorage.Byleveragingsmartcontracts,client-side ...,Siaisadecentralizedcloudstorageplatformthatutilizesblockchaintechnologyforsecurity.Thenetworkutilizesunusedglobalharddrivecapacity.,ItallowswebsiteownerstostoretheirdataontheSianetworkandmonetizetheircontentbyleveragingIOTA'smicropaymentcapabilities.,TheSiaNetwork....